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Studio Pro Arte

Dance house & Cultural Center




Our weekly classes for children, teenagers and adults offer a wide range of contemporary and urban dance styles as well as theatre, yoga, acrobatics and parkour. We also offer courses specifically for very young children with their parents, for adults over 40 or over 60, for absolute beginners and for professionals. Every age group and every target group is supported, challenged, supported and inspired according to their individual needs. 

Our work is characterized by a special personal connection to our participants. We integrate them into dance and theater projects, into professional production processes on site. The presentation options not only serve to show what has been learned, but also to promote self-confidence and personal artistic expression.

Our permanent ensembles and companies, the Youth Company, the Urban Dance Company and the Company Pro Arte, represent our artistic mission at festivals, public events and private events.

"Our focus is on high-quality artistic education and training for children, young people and adults. We value the transfer of values and technical quality in all teaching formats."

Our courses

Mama/Papa - Tanzraum (mit Baby), Zwergentanz, Eltern-Kind-Tanzen

Parents & Child 0-3 years

Kreativer Kindertanz, Kindertanz, Kinderballett

Kindertanz 3-5 Jahre

Modern, contemporary, hip hop, breakdance, parkour, jazz, ballet, creative dance workshop, theater courses

Kinder 6-11 Jahre

Modern, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Breakdance, Parkour, Jazz, Ballet, Ballet Pointe, Theater, Floorwork

Young people aged 12 and over

Modern, contemporary, hip hop, breakdance, parkour, jazz, ballet, lace, yoga, dance into the day, floorwork, courses for over 40s and over 60s.


Advanced Training: Ballett, Contemporary Dance, Floorwork, Workshops.


Weekly courses for children, teenagers, adults and professional dancers. From contemporary, urban dance, ballet, children's dance and parkour


Additional dance training and the development of your own pieces - the Company Pro Arte, the Youth Company and the Urban Dance Company.


Regular workshops and seminars for professional dancers and semi-professional dancers with international lecturers.

Workshops & Seminare

Intensive dance and theater projects during the school holidays with the lecturers from Studio Pro Arte and in cooperation with schools and kindergartens.


Advanced Trainings für professionelle Tänzer:innen in den regelmäßigen Kursen mit besonderen Rabatten für Tanzschaffende.


Tanz- und Theatergeburtstage im Studio Pro Arte. Eine besondere Art für den Kindergeburtstag mit einem individuellen Tanzprogramm.

Dance and theater birthday

Our offers


All-level / no restriction





Stundenplan ab Oktober 2024.jpg
Stundenplan ab Oktober 2024.jpg




Our lecturers are experienced educators, choreographers and stage dancers. They convey the joy of movement and sound technique in the respective styles and respond individually to all participants in the courses.

Professional dance artists

Supporting professional dance creators is particularly important to us. Some of our courses are specifically designed for professionals. Professional dance artists generally receive a 10% discount on all of our offers and enjoy the advantage of the professional dance card. We also offer training opportunities, residencies, productions and networking platforms for professionals. Further information under Dance Culture

Holiday programs

During the Easter holidays, Pentecost holidays, summer holidays and autumn holidays, holiday programs for children and young people take place regularly in Studio Pro Arte, in cooperation with the Jugend Bildungswerk Freiburg and other cooperation partners.

From dance, theater and parkour workshops to intensive training programs and youth productions, we offer a wide range of artistic and creative support during the holiday season. You can find current dates under News

Workshops and seminars

We regularly offer workshops, intensives and seminars. The offer is aimed at participants with and without dance experience and at professional dance professionals. The workshops are offered by regional dance artists as well as international and top-class guest lecturers.

Trial lesson, registration, prices

Are you interested in a course or workshop? All information on how to register, how to arrange trial lessons and our prices can be found under Registration and Information.


If you have any questions, write to us or call us. Our team will be happy to advise you on any concerns.


Mit einem weiten Spektrum an Repertoire, Auftrittsmöglichkeiten und Teilnahme an professionellen Tanzproduktionen tragen unsere Kompanien die künstlerische Mission des Studio Pro Arte nach außen.

Die Vermittlung von Tanztechnik steht für uns gleichwertig neben der Förderung des künstlerischen Ausdrucks und der technischen Ausbildung für die Mitglieder unserer Companien.  Die vielfältige Welt des Tanzes wird entdeckt und den TänzerInnen wird Raum gegeben, ihre eigene Kreativität und Fantasie einzubringen.


Die Teilnahme an einem Prozess in der Company bedeutet: etwas selbst und in der Gruppe zu erschaffen, Risiken einzugehen, Probleme mit anderen zu lösen, es vollenden und über den eigenen Fortschritt zu reflektieren. Die jungen TänzerInnen bekommen hierbei einen Einblick, wie professionelle TänzerInnen arbeiten.

Dance and theater birthdays

Would you like to have an extraordinary and creative birthday with your friends? Develop a dance to your favorite song, have fun on our parkour equipment and with scavenger hunts and games, or shoot a dance clip with your guests.


Talk to us and we will work with you to develop the right idea for an unforgettable celebration.

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