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Studio Pro Arte

Tanzhaus & Kulturzentrum

Workshop mit Beatriz Mira & Tiago Barreiros
Workshop mit Beatriz Mira & Tiago Barreiros

Sa., 13. Apr.



Workshop mit Beatriz Mira & Tiago Barreiros

Improvisation & Partnering / Open level

Zeit & Ort

13. Apr. 2024, 15:00 – 14. Apr. 2024, 17:30

Merzhausen, Am Rohrgraben 4a, 79249 Merzhausen, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

In the workshop Beatriz & Tiago will share specific exercises and improvisation tools they use in their creative process. Following this first introduction and warm up, they will teach part of their repertoire and connect those learnings to the quality they look for in the phrases and partnering sequences.

About the artists

Beatriz Mira and Tiago Barreiros collaborate in a choreographic duo that unfolded through the creation of the duet CORRENTE. This piece was crafted in residency at Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo and their first presentation was in Viseu at Lugar Futuro Festival 2021.

Subsequently, they were invited to integrate the CPBC’s repertoire and premièred in Portugal in February 2022. They had their international première at RIDCC 2022 in Rotterdam, where they received the recognition of the Het Nationale Ballet’s Partner Award.


  • Workshop

    Von 17,50 € bis 35,00 €
    Verkauf beendet
    • 35,00 €
      + 0,88 € Servicegebühr
    • 31,50 €
      + 0,79 € Servicegebühr
    • 17,50 €
      + 0,44 € Servicegebühr


    0,00 €

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